Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Senators blast FBI's anti-Muslim manuals

Language integrated in Law and Human Rights is a crucial aspect to understanding those laws and rights.  A recent news article discusses lawmakers that are going after the FBI after it was revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had been instructing agents that the religion of Islam was on par with a cult and that devout Muslims are likely to turn to terrorism.  This accusation against the Islam community defies the second human right: don't discriminate.  It is, in my opinion, unjust to categorize all people that may practice a certain religion into one category based solely on the actions demonstrated by other individuals who may practice the same.  It becomes increasingly clear how language ties together with this news article being that actual documents were constructed to relay a specific criteria to the FBI that a terrorist is likely to fit.  Not only is this preposterous, but allowing actual terrorists to see proof that Americans do have such extreme and bigoted views can only add fuel to a fire that has continued to burn ten years after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blog assignment one: Bannaker and Equiano

In Benjamin Banneker’s letter to Thomas Jefferson, Banneker, a free African American astrologer, addresses his views on slavery and racial equality.  The letter states, in a powerful but respectful manner, the way in which Banneker is unsatisfied with the actions that have been carried out by Jefferson in the move towards equality for all.  He discusses topics such as promises made by Jefferson, the founding father and author of the Declaration of Independence, and the basic ideas of Christianity that were thought to be closely followed at this time. 

In the narrative of Equiano’s experiences on the slave ship, it is noticeable that the horrors involved were nothing less of disturbing.  Equiano often refers to the crowded, unhealthy living conditions that slaves were forced to undergo while in transit to be traded, and at one point in the text, speaks about the body’s of those who didn’t survive and were tossed overboard by the ship men without any signs of remorse.  Throughout the narrative, Equiano’s emotions are also relayed in a way that not only moves the reader, but is an accurate depiction of what he felt during the present time. 

If humans all felt the "same sensations," then wouldn't the slave-traders have been incapable of practicing slavery, and enforcing it through such lethal methods?

This is a complex question, therefore, has multiple “answers” and is widely based on ones opinion.  First off, I would like to define how I believe the term “sensation” to have been used in Banneker’s letter to Jefferson.  In my opinion, “sensation,” in this context, is used to describe emotions/feelings.  As human beings, I trust that we are all able to feel to a certain extent, some more or less than others.  But if something does not effect someone on an emotional level, it will not move them as it would someone to which it does.  The fundamental, crucial aspect to having an impact is making someone feel something.  As previously stated, it is thought that one of the essential properties of our chemical make up as humans is inevitably having the ability to feel, but that does not necessarily mean each individual possesses the same feelings.  Different things effect different people.  So, when the slave-traders were practicing slavery and enforcing it through such lethal methods, as unjustifiable as that may have been, I have no choice but to view it from a neutral stand point.  There are a plethora of variables to take into consideration, the first being that it was not effecting them personally.  When I say this, I mean it was not them who it was happening to.  So yes, while some people are able to feel compassion for others, some are not.  It goes back to the basic concept of right and wrong.  But who ultimately determines what is right and what is wrong?  Humans are constantly influenced by bias opinions.  Not to get off topic, which I tend to do, but the fact that as a high school graduate and legal adult, I did not know that slaves were enslaved because they were considered to be only three-fifths of a human until just the other day is… unfortunate.  But why was I not informed of this information prior?  Because many of the textbooks that we are all innocently (naively) educated from throughout our years of schooling are directly distributed from Texas, which, being a prominent place for slave-trade, portray history in the way it had been viewed from their development.  Not to be confused; this is an opinion, not a fact.  But this is my blog, and philosophically speaking, I could pick this apart and dissect it from multiple angles.  The debate goes on…

Thursday, September 15, 2011

o, nɑ, nɑ, wəts maj nem?

The first syllable of "Dani" has the onset of a voiced, alveolar stop, with a rhyme of a low, front vowel, "da."  The next, and last, syllable's onset is a voiced, alveolar nasal, with a rhyme of a high, front vowel, "ni."

IPA transcription: dæni 

Start by placing the rough part of your tongue on the rough, bony ridge immediately behind and above your upper teeth, making a "da" sound, while slightly opening your mouth to create an "ehhh" noise, followed by a "neeeeee."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The connection

In my opinion, The Language of Human Rights is the understanding, as humans, of what our natural born rights actually are.  This cluster is beneficial to relating these two topics by demonstrating that language, generally speaking (pun intended), assists in the defining of human rights.  Law and Human Rights go hand in hand in the sense that certain laws were specifically established to insure rights to us as human beings.  Though, sometimes these laws contradict each other (e.g. the right to privacy and the right to protection; in specific situations, ones privacy is invaded to protect them).  Language is a necessary tool in communicating what ones rights as an individual actually are.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In other words...

The only language I am able to speak, read, write, understand, and am proficient in is English.  However, I speak variations of the English language depending on who I am speaking to, the dynamics of the conversation, et cetera.  I would not necessarily categorize my disposition any different from what it is in school to what it is at home, at work, and/or with my friends because it really depends less on the environment and more on the relationship I maintain with the individual I am speaking with.  As with every encounter, there are exceptions.  Generally speaking, though, when conversing with anyone I deem to be my superior (an employer, a teacher, or a parent),  I try to be more reserved as compared to if I am speaking with one of my coworkers, a classmate, or a friend.  I would have to say that it is the same in the sense that I am rarely afraid or too intimidated to voice my opinion, but it does differ in that I try to filter myself more, especially when acquainting with someone new.
I do not recall exactly how I learned language in the way that I have, but I can imagine, first and foremost, my parents taught me a great deal.  But then again, I also have to take into consideration factors such as music, television, propaganda, being around other children, and various social environments.  Certainly my several trips to Disney World as a child must have had an impact.  From preschool, followed by kindergarten and elementary school, all the way through middle and high school; I believe all to have played a part in the vocabulary that I currently possess.
Language is actually an extremely significant part of my life, and not just for the obvious reason that I use it everyday.  But to me, words are such an intriguing unit of language.  The fact that with the proper knowledge of any given words definition, one can describe to someone exactly what he/she is thinking/feeling is amazing.  It aggravates me to no extent when I hear the phrase, “I don’t know how to explain it.”  My response then becomes, “Yes, you do! You just choose not to.”  There is not one word out there that one does not have the ability to piece together with others to give an accurate description of a thought or emotion.  Communication is crucial to maintaining a functional society; whether the President is informing US citizens on our economic status, one is arguing with their boyfriend/girlfriend, or a student is asking for help on a school assignment.  I would have to say that my personal language is rapping.  To me, rapping is an art form that allows one to manipulate words to create a message or a story.  I am creative with language in the sense that I absolutely love to create word play, similes, puns, metaphors, and everything in between.  I am also extremely sarcastic and have a dry sense of humor.  All of these things play a part in what makes me ME.  All of these things also involve the use of language and dialect.  So, yes, I would have to say that language is one of the most important aspects of my life, if not the most important.  In my opinion, knowing how to use language, communicate, and articulate properly has made a huge difference in my life.  Not only have I been better able to communicate an idea to someone, but I believe having an extensive vocabulary and knowing what you’re talking about gains someone more respect.  Not to get off topic here, but first impressions are a horrible judge of character.  Until you hear someone speak, and what they have to say, ones impression is invalid.  Don’t judge a song by its title.