Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Senators blast FBI's anti-Muslim manuals

Language integrated in Law and Human Rights is a crucial aspect to understanding those laws and rights.  A recent news article discusses lawmakers that are going after the FBI after it was revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had been instructing agents that the religion of Islam was on par with a cult and that devout Muslims are likely to turn to terrorism.  This accusation against the Islam community defies the second human right: don't discriminate.  It is, in my opinion, unjust to categorize all people that may practice a certain religion into one category based solely on the actions demonstrated by other individuals who may practice the same.  It becomes increasingly clear how language ties together with this news article being that actual documents were constructed to relay a specific criteria to the FBI that a terrorist is likely to fit.  Not only is this preposterous, but allowing actual terrorists to see proof that Americans do have such extreme and bigoted views can only add fuel to a fire that has continued to burn ten years after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

1 comment:

  1. Its such a shame that a religion can be labled so easily for the actions of what i would assume to be a very very small percentage of radicalist indviduals within that group,im not that suprised but still shocked that a U.S. agency thats suppost to atleast to my knowledge be unbias towards religion would instruct their agents to make ridiculous and unwarranted assumptions. I definetly agree that actions like these certainly fuel an already out of control fire. Its sad to hear that U.S. as a whole still has these wrong views on a group that they dont fully understand or want to understand
